Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Episode One: Carol Smith

She was gorgeous before her nose fell off.

I’d been watching her all last week, through my Mum’s telescope. And before you say it, I know what you’re thinking, that I’m some creepy stalker spying on gorgeous girls. But it’s not like that.

I was watching the container ships go by when Mogface (that’s my cat) freaked me out. No warning, he threw a crazy; five minutes of madness. He legged it up the curtain, bounced off the sofa, grabbed my sandwich and scarpered. I think he’s been watching too many Superman movies, ‘getting ideas above his station’ says my Dad.

Anyway, back to the nose...Carol Smith’s nose, the one that fell off.

Last week she was Carol Smith going shopping, Carol Smith hanging out in the square, Carol Smith mucking about on the beach and then everything changed.

She was one of the first; in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Life isn't fair. She just popped down the library. Borrowing a book shouldn’t turn you into a zombie.

But I’m jumping ahead. I need to take you back to the weekend. It was Saturday when all this started. Mum sent me down the Chinese.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh interesting! I want to know what happens!!!! More please!
